DISC D3 certification – one diagnostic tool for all HR processes

By participating in the DISC D3 certification, you will learn how to work with the DISC D3 model and interpret the results in the context of your organization’s needs and challenges.

The next certification starts in:


What are the benefits of participating in the DISC D3 certification?

DISC certification is not only an opportunity to gain knowledge about individual behavioral styles. Using the DISC model gives you and your company enormous opportunities. You will support recruitment processes because you will provide precise feedback about the employee/candidate: about his/her strengths and potential limitations in relation to the position, role, expectations of the organization, supervisor in a given situation, etc.

You will advise on raising or maintaining employee engagement, reducing turnover, developing career paths/competence development of employees, and internal communication within the organization among coworkers, including communication of change.

You will individually support in developing competencies, initially diagnosing which specific behaviors to develop and which attitudes to strengthen to improve personal effectiveness, operational efficiency, and abilities in the area of interpersonal communication.

You will be able to assist in resolving conflicts, initially diagnosing their source.

What do you gain with DISC D3 Certification in EFFECTIVENESS?

Check out the DISC D3 certification program

Module 1.

Methodology and learning to differentiate models

Module 2.

DISC/TEAMS/VALUES/BAI result analysis

Module 3.

Working on case studies – applying the DISC/TEAMS/VALUES/BA solutions to professional situations

Module 4.

Consultation/result interpretation model

Module 5.

Further steps. Discussing the scope of support received by the consultant following the certification and presenting other available solutions

Module 6.

Individual feedback session.
Discussing the report of the certification Participant

Choose the package tailored to your needs

What does this package include?
DISC Certification (behavioral styles)
TEAMS Certification (team roles)
VALUES Certification (values)
BAI Certification (attitudes)
Access to webinars
Access to the Consultant Zone
Access to the Facebook group for Certified DISC D3 Consultants
DISC D3/DISC assessments package for use
3 DISC D3/6 DISC assessments + 1 assessment for the certification participant
8 DISC D3/16 DISC assessments + 1 assessment for the certification participant
11 DISC D3/22 DISC assessments + 1 assessment for the certification participant
Access to a consultant
Discounts on market prices for the use of of tools
“Because people differ” cards for working in person and online
The book titled “Dynamics of team engagement” by Anna Sarnacka-Smith
Participation in the training: net cost
4 500 PLN 1000 EUR
5 700 PLN 1265 EUR
7 300 PLN 1625 EUR
Participation in the training: DISC-certified individuals: net cost
3 000 PLN 665 EUR
4 300 PLN 955 EUR
5 200 PLN 1155 EUR
“Because people differ” cards for working in person and online: net cost
599 zł
599 zł
– zł

Choose the package tailored to your needs


DISC Certification (behavioral styles)

TEAMS Certification (team roles)

VALUES Certification (values)

BAI Certification (attitudes)

Access to webinars

Access to the Consultant Zone

3 DISC D3/6 DISC assessments + 1 assessment for the certification participant

Access to a consultant

Discounts on market prices for the use of of tools

Book "Team Engagement" Anna Sarnacka Smith

Book "Team Engagement" Anny Sarnackiej-Smith

Participation in the training: net cost
3 900 zł

Participation in the training: DISC-certified individuals: net cost
2 600 zł

“Because people differ” cards for working in person and online: net cost
599 zł


DISC Certification (behavioral styles)

TEAMS Certification (team roles)

VALUES Certification (values)

BAI Certification (attitudes)

Access to webinars

Access to the Consultant Zone

8 DISC D3/16 DISC assessments + 1 assessment for the certification participant

Access to a consultant

Discounts on market prices for the use of of tools

Book "Team Engagement" Anna Sarnacka Smith

Book "Team Engagement" Anny Sarnackiej-Smith

Participation in the training: net cost
4 900 zł

Participation in the training: DISC-certified individuals: net cost
3 700 zł

“Because people differ” cards for working in person and online: net cost
599 zł


DISC Certification (behavioral styles)

TEAMS Certification (team roles)

VALUES Certification (values)

BAI Certification (attitudes)

Access to webinars

Access to the Consultant Zone

11 DISC D3/22 DISC assessments + 1 assessment for the certification participant

Access to a consultant

Discounts on market prices for the use of of tools

Book "Team Engagement" Anna Sarnacka Smith

"Because people differ” cards for working in person and online

Book "Team Engagement" Anny Sarnackiej-Smith

Participation in the training: net cost
6 300 zł

Participation in the training: DISC-certified individuals: net cost
4 500 zł

“Because people differ” cards for working in person and online: net cost
0 zł

How long does the DISC D3 certification take?

Online certification

3 days, 14 hours

On-site certification

2 days, 16 hours

Check out the upcoming DISC D3 Certification dates



22.10.2024, 9.00-14.00
23.10.2024, 9.00-14.00
24.10.2024, 9.00-13.00



12.11.2024, 9.00-14.00
14.11.2024, 9.00-14.00
15.11.2024, 9.00-13.00


training conducted on-site in Warsaw

13.11.2024, 9.00 – 17.00
14.11.2024, 9.00 – 17.00



10.12.2024, 9.00-14.00
11.12.2024, 9.00-14.00
12.12.2024, 9.00-13.00


training conducted on-site in Warsaw

11.12.2024, 9.00-17.00
12.12.2024, 9.00-17.00



28.01.2025 godz. 9-14
29.01.2025 godz. 9-14
30.01.2025 godz. 9-13



25.02.2025 godz. 9-14
26.02.2025 godz. 9-14
27.02.2025 godz. 9-13

MARCH 2024


25.03.2025 godz. 9-14
26.03.2025 godz. 9-14
27.03.2025 godz. 9-13

MARCH 2024

training conducted on-site in Warsaw

26.03.2025 godz. 9-17
27.03.2025 godz. 9-17


APRIL 2024


28.04.2025 godz. 9-14
29.04.2025 godz. 9-14
30.04.2025 godz. 9-13

MAY 2024


27.05.2025 godz. 9-14
28.05.2025 godz. 9-14
29.05.2025 godz. 9-13

MAY 2024

training conducted on-site in Warsaw

28.05.2025 godz. 9-17
29.05.2025 godz. 9-17


JUNE 2024


24.06.2025 godz. 9-14
25.06.2025 godz. 9-14
26.06.2025 godz. 9-13

JUNE 2024

training conducted on-site in Warsaw

25.06.2025 godz. 9-17
26.06.2025 godz. 9-17

See what others say about us

DISC D3 surveys are not only a scientific behavior model and a psychometric tool intended for use in any HR process, but also a philosophy of cooperation and an approach to human beings.

Our management team appreciated the sensitivity of the DISC D3 tool in diagnosing the potential of individuals and the whole team. We are different, hence acceptance, understanding of this diversity is important for the team to work effectively and achieve a common goal.

Agnieszka Warchoł

HR Manager

BWI Poland Technologies Sp. z o.o.

We use the EFFECTIVENESS tools in our recruitment processes, projects aimed at talent development and career path selection, development of leadership competences and enhancing the quality of teamwork. What we particularly appreciate about our relationship with EFFECTIVENESS is that it is not limited to the purchase of a product or the certification training received. This cooperation is a valuable exchange of knowledge, experience with a great understanding of the client’s needs and business processes.

Agnieszka Krzemień

Right Management Leader

Jolanta Jastrzębska

Career&Talent Development Consultant


With EFFECTIVENESS, we carried out a collaboration on the use of DISC D3 competence tests in internal communication and recruitment. I use the knowledge from the DISC D3 survey as a starting point for preparing a strategy with tangible results for the whole company. The professional support at every stage of cooperation, including openness and attentiveness to the client’s needs, deserves recognition.

Robert Wójcik

Branch Managing Director

Bawaria Motors

EFFECTIVENESS carried out a 360 Indicator diagnosis for us in conjunction with the DISC D3 competence survey. The results of the research project have helped us to define what our strengths already are, what values guide us, and in which direction we want to develop. And, in addition, they have become the starting point for carrying out further activities for the development of leadership competences and even better teamwork. I appreciate the EFFECTIVENESS team for their promptness, attentiveness to our needs and flexibility in their approach to achieving their objectives.

Magdalena Domagała

Director of Human Resources

Jungheinrich Polska

EFFECTIVENESS carried out DISC certification for our HR department and is the provider of this tool for diagnosing competences in our organisation. Working with a model helps us to better understand ourselves and those we work with, to communicate in a way that respects each other’s needs. In addition, the DISC analysis helps to define the strengths of individual employees, the values they bring to the team and what support each of us needs from others to become a stronger team.

Marzena Borek

Head of the Staff and Organisational Development Offices

TAURON Obsługa Klienta

The sensitivity of the tool and the practicality of its application in everyday collaboration was experienced by our HR team during the DISC D3 certification and subsequently by other teams in the company, whom we invited to participate in the ‘Power of Differences in Teams’ project. We would like to thank the EFFECTIVENESS team for their promptness and flexibility at every stage of the collaboration.

Katarzyna Bucka

Head of HR&Recruitment w j-labs

j-labs Sp. Z o.o

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Training is provided by EFFECTIVENESS trainers with extensive experience in business and client work, so we have a good understanding of the challenges companies face. We understand the perspective of the employees and the organisation, so that on this basis we can teach a better understanding between people in different situations, deepen our awareness of what determines the right fit for an organisation, gain the ability to adapt solutions to the current situation, what determines the level of commitment of individuals, the quality of interpersonal communication with other people and how to combine the interests of the organisation and the employees in all this.

Stationary certification takes place in Warsaw.

We make sure that groups are a maximum of 10-12 people, so that everyone has the opportunity to experience working with the DISC D3 model and there is space to ask questions, have discussions. In such a group, the trainer is able to respond to the individual needs of the participants, better understand their needs and help them achieve their goals.

No special preparation is required for the training, while two weeks before the start date you will be asked to complete the DISC D3 competency survey. Filling it in is essential, as it is the basis you will work on during certification.

You do not need to know the profile before DISC D3 certification. Prior to certification, you will be given access to the DISC D3 study so that you have an up-to-date study report.

Participants will be provided with a training manual, a package of presentations, examples of reports, with which they can immediately go out to staff/teams. They will also be given access to the Consultant Zone, which collects materials that can be used in their own professional practice, and to a closed Facebook group where research results are analysed, ideas for using the tool in various HR processes are presented.

Once you are certified as a DISC D3 Consultant, you can count on unlimited and free support in the context of interpreting DISC D3 results or counselling in the area of applying the DISC D3 model to specific cases you have given. After certification, we stay in touch to support you in using DISC D3 in your work. You will receive a regular newsletter from us, in which we inform you about the next steps in the development of your DISC D3 Consultant practice (training, webinars, work materials and learning).

There are many factors that go into building effective teams, such as the ability to work with different people or teams, to reach compromises, to build consensus in decision-making and a sense of responsibility for achieving a common goal. All this while respecting and appreciating what everyone brings to the team. The DISC D3 model undoubtedly supports interpersonal skills, and Certification Participants during the training gain knowledge of how to work and use the model and behavioural styles on a daily basis in business realities including, building effective teams.

Once certified, you can deliver training based on the DISC D3 model. The certification prepares you for work on the content side, but also to perform services in the form of training from the very practical side. If, on the other hand, you want to develop your coaching skills, we dedicate the additional training course “Certified DISC D3 trainer” to people after DISC D3 certification.

During DISC D3 certification you will receive the necessary knowledge to recognise and self-interpret the information provided by the DISC D3 survey report. We focus on making the certification training as practical as possible, so there is a strong focus on teaching DISC D3 Consultants the skills to correctly interpret reports.

The DISC D3 model is not Extended DISC. We offer certification from the DISC D3 model. What is the difference between Extended DISC and DISC D3?

The DISCs available on the market only examine behaviours that are observable to the naked eye, whereas what makes the DISC D3 different is that we examine not only observable behaviours but also behaviours that cannot be observed at first glance in typical interpersonal communication, i.e. preferred team roles, values or intrinsic motivations.

The DISC D3 survey is an excellent tool for an in-depth diagnosis of your personality profile, which provides answers to questions such as. about why 2 people with the same or very similar DISC score make completely different decisions, different areas of behaviour are their strengths, or have a different management style.


DISC (behavioural styles) – why I do what I do, say what I say, how I respond to change, how I build relationships in work and private life, what is my communication style, how people-focused vs. task-focused, what are my goals, what values do I bring to the team: dominant style, influential, steady, conscientious.

TEAMS (team role thinking styles) – what role in the team would I like to play and in which tasks will I be most effective: Creator, Executor, Analyst, Coordinator, Strategist?

VALUES (values in the work environment) – what values do I live by when making decisions: Loyalty, Equality, Independence, Integrity?

BAI (attitudes/intrinsic motivation) – what motivates me, what gives me a sense of fulfilment, satisfaction in what I do, including in a managerial position, in which direction I naturally lead the team and what attitude I can expect from employees: Inner peace, Solidarity, Influence, Economy, Artistry, Knowledge.

If you have already paid to take part in the certification, but for various reasons cannot make it to the training, you can choose another date on which to take the certification.