DISC D3 assessment - a basic tool for building an effective, committed team

We diagnose competencies to identify what behaviors and attitudes support and do not support the development of an organization. Our consultancy covers all aspects of working with people. We offer tests and surveys, as well as trainings, to give your organization what it needs.

With our services we want companies to:

Hire the best candidate for the specific position at first attempt

to have employees that are matched to the organization, team and role

appropriately support employee development, e.g. through development paths

improve the quality of communication in the team and introduced a culture of feedback

deal with conflicts better

enjoye an increase in the involvement of new and long-term employees

improve the quality of communication in the team and introduced a culture of feedback

deal with conflicts better

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What you can find in our offer?

We provide soft skills tests and conduct training courses during which we teach how personality differences affect business development.

HR consultancy

We provide consultancy services in all HR processes. Our actions are conducted by business practitioners, who base their recommendations of the analysis of results of competencies surveys conducted within your organization. Thanks to this, the proposed solutions and directions of activities in the HR area will match the culture, values ​​and needs of your company.

Assessments and surveys

Our tests and surveys provide information important for business development in the context of a given employee (strengths in a given role, areas for development, sources of motivation), the team (what is the strength of the team, but also where misunderstandings may come from) and the company (what personality profile fit into the culture of the organization, how to communicate changes and decisions to a given group of employees).


We train in soft skills competency and teach how to skillfully use the personality differences of employees to develop yourself, your team and the entire company. We certify in the DISC D3 model, enabling work with a psychometric tool to use it in various processes - from recruitment to manager development.

Discover all our services:

młoda kobieta, która przed sobą trzyma kartę DISC

Assessments and surveys

DISC D3 assessment

We provide assessments of soft skills based on the DISC model that help to understand personality differences and use this information in all HR processes to build a strong business.

360 Indicator

We provide an anonymous diagnoses of leadership/managerial skill level that supports them in their development which aims at building a strong team.


DISC D3 certification

A way to gain the ability to work with the DISC D3 model and the key to implement information on personality differences in all HR processes

Training for managers

Development of management skills tailored to the manager's personality profile: strengths and weaknesses

Training for teams

Support in improving the quality of cooperation, communication, level of engagement and taking personal responsibility for the common goal.

Do you know that the employees’ effectiveness can be foreseen?

Check how our solutions will help you develop a strong business.
Make an appointment for a free consultation.

What do you gain by working with us?

Assessments that support not one, but all HR processes (all the way from the recruitment to skill development)

Solutions tailored to your needs

Support on every step of implementing DISC D3 surveys (and that is not a joke)

Direct contact with a DISC D3 expert

Access to a knowledge base about personality profiles

Comprehensive diagnosis of the employee's personality profile (behaviors, team roles, values, motivations)

Flexible terms of cooperation

Certainty that we will answer your question quickly (we respond to messages within 24 hours)

Who are we?

EFFECTIVESS supports business development by enhancing the quality of HR processes and activities, such as recruitment, onboarding and the improvement of cooperation or leadership skills.

For this purpose, we provide competence tests and we teach accurate interpretation of the results of the DISC D3 model and 360-degree survey. We are an authorized representative of PeopleKeys®, a world leader in the strategic use of competency tests based on the DISC and DISC D3 models.


Business books about DISC D3

28 000

conducted DISC surveys


years on the market

Who uses our services?

HR departments

We provide training on how to use the tools to measure soft skills and how to design HR processes and activities.


We show how to streamline processes in an organization to avoid wasting money on ineffective activities.

Team leaders / Managers

We provide information on employees that will help to manage the team in a purposeful way, based on facts and not just intuition.

What makes our services special?


We have validation studies conducted on Polish and international subjects that confirm the validity of DISC and DISC D3 competencies assessments, so you can be sure that our information is reliable.


As business practitioners, we understand very well the challenges faced by the Client as well as nuances related to team work, variety in leadership styles and relationships between hierarchy levels.


We share knowledge about the competence assessments We prepare materials on good practices of using competencies assessments and 360 Indicator in different HR processes as well as their practical applications.

See what others say about us

DISC D3 surveys are not only a scientific behavior model and a psychometric tool intended for use in any HR process, but also a philosophy of cooperation and an approach to human beings.

Our management team appreciated the sensitivity of the DISC D3 tool in diagnosing the potential of individuals and the whole team. We are different, hence acceptance, understanding of this diversity is important for the team to work effectively and achieve a common goal.

Agnieszka Warchoł

HR Manager

BWI Poland Technologies Sp. z o.o.

We use the EFFECTIVENESS tools in our recruitment processes, projects aimed at talent development and career path selection, development of leadership competences and enhancing the quality of teamwork. What we particularly appreciate about our relationship with EFFECTIVENESS is that it is not limited to the purchase of a product or the certification training received. This cooperation is a valuable exchange of knowledge, experience with a great understanding of the client’s needs and business processes.

Agnieszka Krzemień

Right Management Leader

Jolanta Jastrzębska

Career&Talent Development Consultant


With EFFECTIVENESS, we carried out a collaboration on the use of DISC D3 competence tests in internal communication and recruitment. I use the knowledge from the DISC D3 survey as a starting point for preparing a strategy with tangible results for the whole company. The professional support at every stage of cooperation, including openness and attentiveness to the client’s needs, deserves recognition.

Robert Wójcik

Branch Managing Director

Bawaria Motors

EFFECTIVENESS carried out a 360 Indicator diagnosis for us in conjunction with the DISC D3 competence survey. The results of the research project have helped us to define what our strengths already are, what values guide us, and in which direction we want to develop. And, in addition, they have become the starting point for carrying out further activities for the development of leadership competences and even better teamwork. I appreciate the EFFECTIVENESS team for their promptness, attentiveness to our needs and flexibility in their approach to achieving their objectives.

Magdalena Domagała

Director of Human Resources

Jungheinrich Polska

EFFECTIVENESS carried out DISC certification for our HR department and is the provider of this tool for diagnosing competences in our organisation. Working with a model helps us to better understand ourselves and those we work with, to communicate in a way that respects each other’s needs. In addition, the DISC analysis helps to define the strengths of individual employees, the values they bring to the team and what support each of us needs from others to become a stronger team.

Marzena Borek

Head of the Staff and Organisational Development Offices

TAURON Obsługa Klienta

The sensitivity of the tool and the practicality of its application in everyday collaboration was experienced by our HR team during the DISC D3 certification and subsequently by other teams in the company, whom we invited to participate in the ‘Power of Differences in Teams’ project. We would like to thank the EFFECTIVENESS team for their promptness and flexibility at every stage of the collaboration.

Katarzyna Bucka

Head of HR&Recruitment w j-labs

j-labs Sp. Z o.o

Learn how our solutions make your everyday business life easier

Once you've filled in the form, we'll get back to you within 24 hours - we work really fast!


Yes, we can prepare DISC D3 certification for a group of people from a given company.

DISC D3 certification is valid for an indefinite period.

Yes, you can use our tests without DISC D3 certification. The assessment report includes very much information and if something in the result is not entirely clear, we offer the possibility of consultation. However, we recommend completing the DISC D3 certification to gain the ability to use information from DISC D3 in all HR processes.

The survey and research report are available in many languages, including Polish and English. From your account you can change the report language at any time (e.g. from Polish to English).

No, our tests do not have an expiration date and can be used at a convenient time.

The certification does not end with an exam, but the certification program is designed in such a way that participants acquire the ability to interpret DISC D3 results.

A few minutes after completing the survey; the person completing the survey automatically receives an email with a link to their report, or another designated person may first have access to the report: an HR employee or manager.

The DISC D3 test report was developed so that it could be analyzed by the person who completed the test. There is therefore no need to provide feedback to all people. If for some reason the client or candidate wants to provide feedback on the DISC D3 assessment, of course such a session can be conducted: full (50 min.) or shortened (20 min.).

When employers are looking for the right candidate for a job, they look not only at their experience in the profession, but also at their soft skills, such as:

  • Emotional intelligence.

  • Managing your own time.

  • Dealing with stress and pressure.

  • Ability to work in a group.

  • Creativity.

  • Problem-solving skills.

  • Willingness to learn.

  • Interpersonal skills.

  • And much, much more.

Soft skills are seen in today’s job market as one of the most valuable skills in candidates. Does this mean that soft skills are actually becoming more important to employers than hard skills? Soft skills are nowadays often considered on a par with hard skills and years of experience on a CV. Why? Because hard skills such as language skills, computer skills and a driving licence are relatively easy to make up. And while they seem more concrete, tangible, employers are looking for candidates whose certain character traits make them much better than others at performing their daily duties. If you are not sure exactly what soft skills you have, which soft skills are your strengths and how you can develop them, then please write to us. The best way to develop soft skills is to practice them regularly. We will help you identify them and give you tips on how to work on their development.