HR Consultancy - our experience in the context of challenges faced by your organization

We provide consultancy services in all HR processes. Our actions are conducted by business practitioners, who base their recommendations of the analysis of results of competencies surveys conducted within your organization. As a result, the proposed solutions will fit the culture, values and needs of your company.

The employees’ effectiveness can be foreseen Employee motivation can be known.

Organizations differ, have different values, or approaches to conducting business,, selling products to customersbut one thing is the same for everyone: the need for motivated people who take responsibility for the projects they work on,, because human resources are the value of every company. If we seemingly have employed the right persons, why do they suddenly leave, their motivation drops, problems in communication arise or the right attitude disappears? And their behaviors need improvement?

It is due to incompatibility with the organizational culture, a given role or supervisor and managing the employees without regard for their personality profiles, i.e. what attitude and communication style they need to pursue their tasks and find satisfaction in their work. On the basis of competencies assessment results, EFFECTIVENESS supports its Clients in making the right recruitment decisions and conducting effective onboarding, improving the cooperation and developing each employee in line with the company goals.

Are you looking for solutions what will make HR processes more effective?

Contact us and we will advise you on how to implement competency diagnosis in your company.

How do we work?

We recommend not what we think might be good for you, but what is actually bound to work in your organization. How is that possible? The starting point to our services is an analysis of needs, behaviors and attitudes; on top of that information we layer our business experience to provide you with a solution that will support your goal.

HR Consultancy in 4 steps

Diagnosis of needs

Understanding of what you are dealing with and pointing out which information we will need to recommend the next move.

Problem analysis

Conducting the DISC D3 diagnosis, analyzing survey results and other provided materials.


Recommending activities that support the identified problem.


Implementing the actions by EFFECTIVENESS or preparing an in-house team for implementation (training, mentor coaching or consultations) Areas of support - training, mentor coaching, advice or consultations.

The foundation of our actions is the DISC D3 diagnosis

DISC D3 is a scientific model of behaviors, a tool for diagnosing and measuring skills that are important in the work environment and translate into the quality of teamwork and personal effectiveness. As an international model which analyses universal behaviors, values, and attitudes, it has applications in every culture and organization.

Assessments and surveys

Our assessments and surveys provide support in understanding differences in personalities and using the knowledge about behaviors, values, and attitudes to make the right choices when choosing future employees, increasing the quality of cooperation, and developing the leadership attitude.

DISC D3 model and 360 Indicator support the building of a strong business, simultaneously giving the space for a very individual approach to a person.

DISC D3 assessment

A psychometric tool based on the DISC model, intended for use in every HR process, all the way from the recruitment to the development of individual employee competencies.

360 Indicator

An anonymous competency assessment which verifies management skills and leadership attitudes to help build a strong business.

You don’t know what DISC D3 is?

People differ but their behavior is very predictable, and there is an easy way to diagnose what motivates them to take action and then to implement a type of cooperation strategy which will bring a measurable effect. You can achieve that by implementing the DISC D3 diagnosis into your organization.

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